Do You Want More Hammer?

I’ve chatted with a few of you lately, especially around Christmas, when everyone was selecting their Christmas gift, and more than one of you asked when I was going to write more “Hammer” books.

I’ve got two complete series; The Imperial Hammer and The Iron Hammer, both featuring Danny Andela and her friends.

I loved writing these books.

I would have no objection to writing more, but I haven’t, up until now, because I didn’t think anyone would want more.

So, you tell me. I’ve set up a two question survey here. There is also space to add anything else you might have to say about this idea.

Everyone (yes, everyone — no lucky draw) who completes the survey will receive a copy of “Insanity is Infectious”, which is the bonus short story in the Iron Hammer series.

The survey closes a week from now, at midnight MST on January 24th.


1 thought on “Do You Want More Hammer?”

  1. Pingback: More Hammer It Is. – Cameron Cooper's Science Fiction

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