December 2020

Quick! Who Manufactures The Greatest Number of Tires In the World?

If the image didn’t give it away for you, let me surprise you: Lego® creates more tires every year than any other company in the world.  The Guinness Book of World Records says so. Although if they keep producing sets like the Millennium Falcon (which my brother in law built and has sitting on his dining room

Quick! Who Manufactures The Greatest Number of Tires In the World? Read More »

Varg Finds A Home.

The premier of the province two across from mine recently announced to his province that he was the Grinch, and there would be no Christmas this year, for the sake of everyone’s lives. The video went viral in our corner of the world. The premier of my province has been far more conservative, talking about

Varg Finds A Home. Read More »

I Hate Cliffhangers!

I had a reader tell me this week: Can I just ask, though, no more cliffhangers, I absolutely hate them!! It sounds like a simple, reasonable request on the surface (especially as the grammar and spelling were impressive.  I did not edit this at all).  Yet my internal radar started dinging like crazy. I did

I Hate Cliffhangers! Read More »

Why You Shouldn’t Rely On Best Seller Lists To Buy Books

Of course you’re looking for the best SF out there.  You don’t want to read crap, after all.  But there’s some very good reasons why using best-seller lists, “top author”, “Best of,” “most popular” and other similar listings of books is the worst way of finding the best stories to read. The traffic stats on my blog also

Why You Shouldn’t Rely On Best Seller Lists To Buy Books Read More »

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