It’s the second last day of August, which means it’s time for the SRP 20% off Sale, which runs for the last two days of the month and the first two days of the next month.
This month’s coupon code is: 3VXFCNQZ
You can use the coupon when you checkout, to get 20% off your entire order. Nothing is excluded. You can throw entire series boxed sets into your basket, also books already on sale, books still on pre-order. You can add as many books as you want. You can also use the coupon as many times as you want, until the expiry date (Midnight, September 2nd, MDT).
You can also pass the coupon on to friends and other readers.
The coupon is only valid for Stories Rule Press, and only until the end of September 2nd.
Start your browsing here — this month I arranged the order of the books to show the latest releases.