Andy Weir’s HAIL MARY — About Five Chapters Too Long

It’s a well-known phenomenon that an author of a runaway bestseller will be found to be disappointing in all future books.

This might even be true.

I went into the reading of Andy Weir’s Hail Mary with what I thought was an open mind, after thoroughly enjoying The Martian, his monster best-seller turned hit movie featuring Matt Damon.

And the book was just as thoroughly enjoyable, viewed overall. If you like your science fiction super hard (that is, full of actual science), you’ll like Hail Mary. There’s math, physics, and calculations to keep you entertained.

And the concept of the book is interesting and kept me reading to the end just to find out if I’d guessed wrong, or not.

And that’s where things fell apart, for me. I’ll try to explain this without spoilers.

Don’t get me wrong. I did like the book. Following the development of a new and unique language was fascinating. What follows is probably me being picky, because as an author, I would have made different choices.

To begin, the book went on for about five chapters longer than it should have. There was a major victory for the two primary characters at the end of the second act, that should have signaled their heading off for the end of the story…but then even more troubles hit them. And then, even more and different troubles. It was too much, too late.

I can understand from a science perspective that the troubles were necessary and logical, and the science in the story would have been weaker without them. But from a pure story/character perspective, the newly developing troubles should have been given a paragraph or two, and the story sent into the final act as quickly as possible. Instead, we got more experiments and trials until the current set of troubles were resolved.

The resolution of these story problems did set up the awkward end act, so let me get to that.

There is a major reversal of the plot in the final act that happened purely because of the belated troubles only a few chapters earlier. It set up the ending of the book in a way I had not anticipated. And that could be viewed as both good and bad. Surprising the reader is usually a good thing. Except that the entire book set the reader up to look forward to a major story and character payoff…and that didn’t happen.


The whole book set the reader up to look forward to the main character returning to Earth, with the information needed to save the entire human race. After being treated abyssmally by the team of people who sent him into space in the first place, I was looking forward to his triumphant return…and that was taken away by the major twist at the end.


Breaking promises to readers (even just implied promises) is a betrayal of trust that can completely ruin a story. It ruined the ending of this story, alas. But if you love science processes in your books, then the bulk of the book will make up for the letdown at the end.

There were other, minor issues, including a main character that was just a bit too talented and amazing, and a bit too gung-ho and relentless, for a man who had let himself languish as a high-school science teacher for twenty years when his first career had come off the rails. But that could be explained away by the dire circumstances.

And the character’s inability to swear even once during high stress moments was twee — perhaps Weir was overcompensating for the opening of The Martian?

I would give this book a three and three-quarter stars rating. It’s entertaining, at least. Pure science lovers would rate it higher, but I’m a bit more demanding about my characters and stories.

How did you find the book?

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2 thoughts on “Andy Weir’s HAIL MARY — About Five Chapters Too Long”

  1. hello.
    i appreciate your viewpoint. I love this book thoroughly, and is one of the few books I will ever recommend to anyone, but specially my friends with teenagers. there’s so few books out there that are instructive and entertaining as this one. If I was a teacher, I would add this one to the reading list
    let me tell you why I don’t agree with some of your comments.
    “If you like your science fiction super hard (that is, full of actual science), you’ll like Hail Mary. There’s math, physics, and calculations to keep you entertained.”
    while is is loaded with science, as expected of Weir, it is not as “hard science” as the previous 2 books, it is high school level science, simplifying some explanations, with more fiction then the previous ones.
    “the character’s inability to swear even once during high stress moments was twee — perhaps Weir was overcompensating for the opening of The Martian?”
    this is the second reason why I warmly recommend this book to anyone. it doesn’t have to add fowl language or sex to sell, as for overcompensating, perhaps is for the second book colourful heroine, who is a moral grey character.
    “the newly developing troubles should have been given a paragraph or two, and the story sent into the final act as quickly as possible. Instead, we got more experiments and trials until the current set of troubles were resolved.”
    not all books have to conform to a beguining/middle/end format. I personally always want more in a book, and that means more conflict and resolutions along the way, delivering on the experience of reading, slow burns are my choice instead of quick reads. A “final act as quickly as possible” is always unsatisfying, that’s why J. A. Pride and Prejudice ending is a let down to me.
    “Breaking promises to readers (even just implied promises) is a betrayal of trust that can completely ruin a story. It ruined the ending of this story, ”
    Perhaps ruins the story if you are expecting a HEA, but some of the best don’t have that such as romance ( The Professor -Charlotte Bronte ) or even the Divergent Series (V. Roth, the book, not movie).
    I think the end of was perfect. The character grows from being a selfish coward to an unselfish hero, and instead of just dying in the end, he gets to live a fulfilling life, even if shortened, by doing what he loves, in an amazing setting, and no broken hearts. Having what he would always be missing on Earth: loving and being loved (without the unnecessary romance). He, nor I the reader get everything we want, but that’s life, instead we get so many wonderful things to enjoy in between the bad consequences of our actions and decisions.
    “The whole book set the reader up to look forward to the main character returning to Earth,” He does not go to Earth by choice twice over, and is a hope still open to the future, if he only chooses to go.
    The end of it, the unexpected twist, was the cherry on the top for me.

    1. It seems, cintia, that we certainly do look for different outcomes from our reading. I’ve never made a secret of the fact that I read–and write–upbeat and positive adventure fiction, and Hail Mary is none of those things. Although it is hopeful.

      And it was readable enough for me that I finished the book. There are a great many other books, some best sellers and high profile authors, that I barely start.

      So there’s that.

      Thanks for commenting.


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