This is very last minute, sorry, but I wasn’t invited until the last minute, either.
The TBR Con 2024 started this morning. The conference has been described as “an all-virtual sci-fi/fantasy/horror convention,” by the organizers, FanFiAddict.com, and as “A gaggle of nerds talking about Fantasy, Science Fiction, and everything in-between. They also occasionally write reviews about said books.”
The conference has won two Stabby Awards (awarded by r/Fantasy).
The eight finalists of Hugh Howey’s Self-Published SF Contest #2 have been invited to attend a panel on the 24th, at 3pm MST. I’m not sure at this stage if all eight of us will make it, but the majority of us will, including me. This is your chance to see me in all my chemo-curl glory. 🙂
But you can check the conference out right now at https://fanfiaddict.com/tbrcon2024/.

Now available for pre-order:
Solar Whisper
Latest releases:
Ptolemy Lane Tales Omnibus
Galactic Reflections
The Return of the Peacemaker