Some site changes you might have noticed.

I’ve been reading all the social network posts about the Covid19 lockdowns and social distancing, and the many ways people have discovered or invented to keep themselves occupied. Singing opera on balconies, building Lego cities…there’s been some amazing ideas (here and here for some of them).

My own response has been very cliched: When I have the time, I read. The number of books piling up on my ereader is overwhelming. I’m resisting buying any new books (hollow laugh) and trying to clear the backlog.

But my time for reading is severely limited. I have been terribly lucky to have a career that didn’t implode when the lockdown kicked in. I’m writing more than ever.

It seems I felt I wasn’t challenged enough with every waking hour being busy. I’ve also been tackling another huge project: Launching a publishing company.

Two of the members of my household lost their jobs when the lockdown began. As they were already involved in indie publishing, we combined our resources and incorporated, then invited a couple other authors onboard.

The result is Stories Rule Press, which will be publishing my books from now on, along with a few other people, and later on, we will be building anthologies and boxed sets, too. There’s lot of exciting projects in the works.

But for now, there are no major changes to my books except for one thing; when you go to a book’s page on my site, it will actually take you to the page on Stories Rule Press. (Click on the page for Long Live the Emperor, for example)

That might look a little odd right now, because then you skip over to Amazon to buy the book or download it if you’re a Kindle Unlimited subscriber.

But in the future, if my books are taken out of Kindle Unlimited and sold “wide”, then the page for the book on Stories Rule Press will also let you buy the book directly from us (and often, at a discount).

Plus, you can browse and buy any of the other SRP authors’ books already (they’re not in KU).

The SRP site has a discount coupon on the home page that you can take advantage of, too.

Coming up in the future, I will have more discounts and deals for you, and the odd giveaway, too.

In the meantime, have a browse on the site and check it out…and maybe take advantage of the first time buyer coupon on the home page. 🙂

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