Name That Famous Person

This painting is simply amazing. [link]

Not only is it an incredible canvas of many famous people gathered together in a sort of celebrity Where’s Waldo?, but when you hover your mouse over any individual — and some of the objects in the painting, too — you get a tag telling you who they are.

Click on the person, and you get their Wikipedia entry, giving you a thumbnail of their accomplishments.

If you’re a history nut, you’ll love the wealth of time and wisdom represented in the picture.

Even if you’re not a history lover, you’ll probably still be able to recognize a lot of people by appearance alone and it’s fun to try and guess…and find out what they’re doing in the picture.

The most amazing thing about the picture? It’s an actual painting. The link takes you to a site where the painting has been rendered into a digital image with the links, etc., but the original oil on canvas was painted by artists Dai Dudu, Li Tiezi, and Zhang An in 2006. 

Called “Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante”, it really is a “Where’s Waldo?” — in this case, where is Dante?

There has been a fair amount of fuss about the painting. The Guardian ran a post discussing some of the interesting details, here, if you’d like to know more.

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