Binge on Danny Andela adventures

I often have to go back and re-read my own stories.  Usually it’s so I can get the series back into my brain with all the little cross-references and quirks that I want to ensure make it into the next book.

Plus, I try very hard to review the whole series at least once a year.  Doesn’t always happen, but that’s the plan.  You’d be stunned at how fast meta data goes out of date, links escape into 403 land, and even digital books start looking dusty and unloved.

Often, I’ll re-read the books while I’m reviewing the series, so I can pick up any typos (they breed like weeds, I swear).

Usually, even if the whole series is finished, I’ll load the individual books onto my reader, and read them anyway.

Last time I had to read The Iron Hammer series, I loaded this boxed set (it’s been in pre-production quite a while).  Normally, I don’t like reading boxed sets, but I was in a hurry, and there are eight novels and a novelette, so I did the quick and easy load of the boxed set file instead of the nine individual files.

It makes for interesting reading when you have all the stories back to back like that.  You aren’t tempted to break off and read a different book, because, well, the next book in the series is just over the page, you don’t even have to figure out which is next in the series, it’s right there, and if you don’t read that, you have to go pick something else to read, so just turn the page, already….

Boxed sets are made for binge reading.  And binge reading (along with binge viewing) is one of my favourite ways to consume a complete series or season, with all it’s complicated storylines, character arcs and quirky details.

And, unusually, I love the cover for this boxed set.  Sometimes boxed set covers can be…well, boring.  But not this one.  Everyone who had something to do with the production on this one made the same comment–how much they liked the cover.

So having this boxed set cover among the others in your reader won’t mean you’ll avoid the series because the cover just doesn’t do it justice.  (Raise your hand if you’ve avoided books just because the cover doesn’t do it for you.)  <Cam raises hand>

All eight novels of the Iron Hammer space opera series and a bonus short story.

Danny Adela, once known as the Imperial Hammer, now called the Iron Hammer, fights for survival of the Carinad worlds.
The underdog Carinad forces face an enemy who knows nothing but war, whose culture is built upon the glory of battle.  As the Slavers fall upon the vulnerable Carinad worlds, Danny and her allies work to find a way out of the no-win scenario they face…

The Iron Hammer series:
1.0: Galactic Thunder
2.0: Stellar Storm
3.0: Planetary Parlay
4.0: Waxing War
5.0: Ruled Out
6.0: Stranger Stars
7.0: Federal Force
8.0: Redline Rebels
8.5: Iron Hammer Boxed Set
Space Opera Science Fiction Novel


Today the book is releasing exclusively on Stories Rule Press.  It will be released on the retail stores in October…except for Amazon.  Because of Amazon’s pricing restrictions, I am unable to offer it there.  It will, however, be available at all other retail stores.

As always, if you’re new to SRP, you can grab the 10% discount coupon code on the front page of the site.  And if you’re a returning customer (hello!), you can use your reward points to gain a discount on the set.

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