A New Story!

It’s been a while, I know.  I’ve had a lot of life-stuff happening lately that prevented me from getting to the writing desk as often as I liked.

But I did get a few short stories written.

Today’s release,  A Room of Her Own, is a space opera short that is high on action and with a minimum of introspection.  But it still manages to pack a punch at the end.  🙂

On a generation ship where space is at a premium…

Saulia finds her long-held dreams hardening into rebellious ambitions when the second tragedy in her life strikes far too quickly after the first.

A Room of Her Own is a science fiction short story by award-winning SF author Cameron Cooper.

Dark Science Fiction Short Story

Standalone Fiction by Cameron Cooper

A Room of Her Own is only available on Stories Rule Press for now.  It will be released to all the bookstores in July.

Tip:  If you’ve never bought a book from SRP (which is basically buying direct from me), then look for the 10% off discount coupon code on the front page of SRP for first time customers.

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It’s available at SRP now!



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