A few weeks ago (but only a couple of days ago when I write this), NASA revealed and introduced a crew of astronauts with the mission to fly to the moon by 2025 at the latest. Although this mission isn’t intended to land on the moon, merely circumnavigate it, the mission will set up a series of similar missions, all of them designed to build up experience in navigating deep space, which will help build expertise for a mission to Mars.
As Ars Technica suggested, this announcement makes deep space missions sound all the more real, as if they really will happen, instead of NASA handing out projected timelines and possibilities as they have been for quite a while now.
I’m also really thrilled that a Canadian is among the crew. Specialist and physicist Jeremy Hanson will be the first non-America to reach deep space.
I’m actually looking forward to monitoring this mission.
If you’d like to keep up with the Artemis II mission, there is an RSS feed here that you can subscribe to, or you can bookmark the mission page on NASA.

PS: Happy Star Wars day.