Search Results for: reading

Ptolemy Lane Gets A Full Length Story

Bring on the Novel! I’ve had a back-and-forth tussle with myself and with readers for over a year now, about short versus long stories.  It’s not at all cut-and-dried, these days. When traditional publishing was the only game in town, everyone wrote novels.  Period.  More, they were very long novels–especially in this century, when paper costs […]

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Science Fiction Story Bundle: Aliens Among Us – One Week to Go

I’m in a Story Bundle! And the Aliens Among Us StoryBundle has only a week to go! Here’s the details from the curator, Dean Wesley Smith: All Fun! One thing science fiction fans think about when you say “Aliens Among Us” is aliens like body snatchers, or Grays flitting around Area 51. None of that

Science Fiction Story Bundle: Aliens Among Us – One Week to Go Read More »

Holy Sheep Dip! I did it!

Late in 2020, I was sitting around with the other authors at Stories Rule Press, coming up with production schedule ideas.  Basically:  “What shall we write next year?” I don’t remember who’s idea it was, but someone suggested, half-joking, that I should write my new space opera series, which had eight books, in eight months.  

Holy Sheep Dip! I did it! Read More »

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